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We are collating the details of all the decisions. But the charge against Michael Vaughan, that he said “there’s too many of you lot” to a group of Asian players at Yorkshire, has been dismissed.
Hoggard found to have used racist and discriminatory language
The first decision is on Matthew Hoggard. Containing different parts, but Paragraph 1 relates to Hoggard using the term “Rafa the Kaffir”. Paragraph 2 relates to “Use of the term “Paki””.
The commission has found both of these parts of the charge to be proved.
Paragraph 3 relates to Hoggard’s use of the term “you lot” for the Asian players at Yorkshire. The commission has not found Hoggard to have used discriminatory language in this case.
Paragraph 4 relates to Hoggard’s alleged use of the term “TBM” and/or “token black man”. Again, on this point, the commission found that the allegations have been proved.
The decision is below regarding Paragraph 2, in relation to Hoggard’s use of the term “Paki”:
“In light of the evidence of AZR and the clear admissions made by MH, the Panel is satisfied on the balance of probabilities that the conduct as alleged occurred.
“It is also satisfied that viewed objectively, the use of such a word was racist and/or discriminatory on the basis of a person’s membership of a racial or ethnic group. Indeed, and again, MH accepts this. The fact that the words were commonly used can sensibly provide no defence.
“In the Panel’s view, the use of such language is self-evidently conduct which may be prejudicial to the interests of cricket or which may bring the game of cricket or any Cricketer or group of Cricketers into disrepute.
“Accordingly paragraph 2 of the Charge is proved.”

Vaughan cleared of using racist language at Yorkshire

Simon Burnton
The former England captain Michael Vaughan has been cleared of using racist and/or discriminatory language and bringing the game into disrepute by the ECB’s Cricket Discipline Commission. The decision of the three-person panel, which met to hear the case in London this month, was announced on Friday.
CDC findings published: Vaughan cleared
A PDF is now available outlining the commission’s decisions.
On page 55: this is the part relevant to the accusation that Vaughan had said “there’s too many of you lot”.
The commission ‘is not satisfied on the balance of probabilities that this form of words was said’.
“The ECB’s case on the first limb, as distinct from the second limb, relies on proof that the words used were “there’s too many of you lot, we need to have a word about that”. There are significant inconsistencies in the evidence of both primary witnesses, AZR [Azeem Rafiq] and ADR [Adil Rashid], in this regard. These are recognised by the ECB in the manner in which it closed its case.
“Considering all the relevant evidence on this first limb of the Charge, the Panel is not satisfied on the balance of probabilities that this form of words was said. Accordingly, the first limb of the ECB’s Charge against MV is not proved.”
Regardless of the outcome, those on the commission and cricket’s powers-that-be would doubtless have preferred Vaughan to wait for the official announcement before posting his reaction to it. One can understand his eagerness to get his views out there, of course, but waiting a few minutes longer would presumably have made little difference.
And in the introduction to Vaughan’s statement: “The outcome of these CDC proceedings must not be allowed to detract from the core message that there can be no place for racism in the game of cricket, or in society generally.”
Nothing yet on the news section of Yorkshire’s website …
A lot of people, myself included, are refreshing the ECB site to see official confirmation of the decision by the commission.
“Particularly with an issue such as this, the CDC hearings were an inappropriate, inadequate and backwards step,” Vaughan adds. “One of the many reasons I hold this view is because CDC hearings are adversarial. They invite claim and counterclaim.”
High up in that Vaughan statement: “The hearing made public that Azeem [Rafiq] and I met 18 months ago, well before the CDC proceedings came into existence. I told him then that I am sorry for his unacceptable, negative experiences at the club.”
Vaughan has also posted his statement on Twitter:
Vaughan claims charge against him dismissed
On his personal Instagram account, Michael Vaughan has said that the charge against him has been dismissed.
“I want to thank the panel for their attention to his in very difficult circumstances,” Vaughan writes. He has posted a photo, containing a long statement. The post itself is a “Thumbs up” emoji only.
At this stage, no official confirmation of that on the ECB website.
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Speaking last Friday at the county’s AGM, the Yorkshire chief executive, Stephen Vaughan, spoke of his eagerness to find out what sanctions, if any, the club will face as a result of this process:
“I liken it to jumping off the high board at the swimming baths,” Vaughan said. “The jumping off part isn’t too bad, it’s just going up the stairs that scares you. So for everybody here, we want to know what it is, deal with it and move on. I really hope first and foremost that all of the work that’s gone on in this period of time will be held into account when we come to this conversation (around sanctions). English cricket is stronger for Yorkshire cricket being strong.”

Tanya Aldred
A week before the start of the Championship season, window cleaners with long-armed squeegees were scrubbing Headingley’s pavilion, but it has proved far more difficult for Yorkshire to emerge from the grubby haze left by Azeem Rafiq’s allegations and their aftermath.
Eighteen months after the club published a summary of the report into Rafiq’s claims, on the day of the cancelled Old Trafford Test against India, the process is still in limbo. The Cricket Disciplinary Commission is expected to give its verdict on Friday – Yorkshire have pleaded guilty on four counts, including a failure to address systemic use of racist and/or discriminatory language over a prolonged period – but the announcement of any sanctions is not expected until later.
The announcement of the findings by the Cricket Discipline Commission (CDC) is expected at 10.30am UK time. So in around 20 minutes.
The former England captain Michael Vaughan and five other former players are due to discover whether they have been found to have used racist language and brought the game into disrepute when the Cricket Discipline Commission (CDC) publishes its findings today.
We will bring you news on the commission’s findings, and related news and reaction, on this live blog.